Monday, August 10, 2020

Learning Programming Languages

 All over the world whoever wants to enter the Software industry, the basic requirement is learning any programming language. The world is changing very quickly. In all places wherever we go daily, the machines are serving us. In all possible places we are automating things to make or Life easier. From the alarm from your phone that wakes you up and the phone in your hands till you asleep everything is technology. It changed our lives everywhere and every sector: Travel, Medical, Shopping, Online orders, millions of Applications in our phone. If we take out technology from our life it is very tough.

Loosing Phone is as painful as Breakup... Agreed?

 We common people and beginners believe that it is very tough to learn a programming language. Believe me, it is a myth and it should be broken. Whoever wants to learn coding, take my words “it is really very simple…!’

What is a programming Language?

Programming language is like any other languages in this world. People communicate with each other using languages. Similarly, to communicate with machine we use the programming language. To make the machine understand and act according to our needs we use the programming languages.

We do have

·         Low Level Language

·         High Level Language

Low Level Programming Language:

The low level, as name indicates these are languages that are more hardware oriented. Low level languages are machine languages or assembly languages. They are binary (0s and 1s). They are more understandable to machines and lesser understandable to humans. It is comparatively slower.

High Level Languages:

Familiar languages ‘Java,Python,JavaScript,PHP, etc..’ all are examples of high-level languages. These languages are more understandable to humans. We need an intermediate layer in this case, which will convert the high-level language to a low-level language. Once we write any code, we will have a compiler which will do the conversion. These languages are easier to learn and   maintain.

The summary of the context is, if you learn any one of these programming languages completely then it is really easy to learn any other languages. All Programming Languages has similar concepts and flow. Syntax and implementation differ for each language. Each language has its own pros and cons. Let us discuss more on further posts in detail about the technologies more…!

Thanks for Reading.

Let the technology serves the mankind more & more…



1 comment:

Learning Programming Languages

 All over the world whoever wants to enter the Software industry, the basic requirement is learning any programming language. The world is c...